
Posts Tagged ‘dirt’

For the last 2 and a half months I have been growing a garden consist of potatoes, cabbages, carrots, onion, scallions, bell peppers, prune, orange, pear, mango, tomatoes, and watermelons. It is interested to go out there literally everyday and see growths. The mango, pear, carrots, bell peppers, and tomatoes were the first thing I planted two and a half months ago and the carrots are growing like wild bushes. The pear and mango are not showing out of the dirt as yet. The bell peppers and tomatoes just shoot out last week since it was pretty hot here, now it is cold and rainy again.

I planted the scallions and cabbage three weeks ago and they both started to grow with the quickness. The onions I planted a few days ago, so far nothing. Watermelons were planted two weeks ago and so far nothing. Yesterday I planted the prune seed. The orange amaze me how it grows after one week. The potatoes are my favorite they are growing bigger each day. My only problem will be that all my vegetable will be small due to me being cheap on the soil. I have two bags left and still put only a little bit of dirt in the container. My husband laughs at me how they all are going to be miniature. I said oh well this is my little experiment to see what can grow and what cannot. Next year I will know what to do and what not to do, lol. I have post a picture of my little project of the things that are growing so far.

Oh ya, everything was grown from seeds and I only water everything once a week. That is all the water it need since the bottom will eventually holds the water. Thank goodness for the law of gravity.

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